Friday, April 16, 2010

Coming soon!

Today, we scheduled delivery for April 22, this upcoming Thursday! We'll go in at 7 AM, and hopefully little Dexter won't be too stubborn. =) Sam and I are excited and nervous! I can't wait to see the little guy!

My blood pressure is still up, higher in fact than it was last week. Dr. Mah doesn't think it's preeclampsia, but she is sure it is related to the pregnancy, so it is best that we go ahead and have Dexter. I'm not arguing with her at all! =) My urine protein levels are still high, but not high enough to cause the doctor to worry too much. I think she's more worried about my blood pressure than anything.

In the meantime, Dexter's heartbeat is good and strong, and he's moving a lot--all good signs that my blood pressure is not affecting him.

Keep us in your prayers and thoughts, and I'll keep you updated on anything that happens in the next week. I will try to post one more time before the big day.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Test Results

The lab told me, "No news is good news," and since I've heard nothing from them, I am assuming everything is fine. Thank you for the prayers and thoughts! So far, so good!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Two Weeks till "D" (Dexter) Day!

Here’s a picture of me at 36 weeks! Right now, we’re at 38 weeks and anxiously counting down the days. I can hardly believe we get to see Dexter so soon! It seems like it has been ages of planning and waiting, and now all that is coming to this amazing, miraculous end.

We had an appointment on Friday, and it was not as smooth and relaxed as the others have been. My blood pressure was high, I had an increased amount of protein in my urine, and Dexter wasn’t moving as much as he has. Dr. Mah put me on a fetal monitor for about half an hour to make sure Dex is okay, which he is. His heartbeat is strong and his movements began improving. This weekend I’ve had to do a 24-hour urine test. I’ll turn this in tomorrow to make sure my kidney function is okay and I’ll have a blood test. We’ll get these lab results later in the day tomorrow. I’ll post an update if possible at that time.

So, I tell you all this not to worry you but to ask for your thoughts and prayers. We want to make sure Dexter’s entrance into this world goes as smoothly and safely as possible.

Now for fun news: Sam has been working himself to death to get the nursery ready, and he has done an amazing job! We have new flooring down, newly cherry-stained dressers, and freshly primed walls. Sam is gone now to pick up the paint—a beautiful light green that matches the octopus in Dexter’s bedding. Once it’s all complete, I’ll definitely post some pictures. I think it will be one good looking room!
Sam is also picking up our last few needed items for Dexter. The wonderful thing about this is that we have very few remaining necessities—family and friends have gone above and beyond in their giving for Dexter, and we are so blessed to have so few needs at this point. I’m a little jealous that Sam gets to do the last of the shopping, but it’s for the best—I’m staying at home to keep relaxed and to keep my blood pressure down.

My maternal instincts are definitely getting the better of me these days. I’ve put together a letter with hospital directions and infant CPR rules that I’ve sent to our immediate family! =) I know that sounds crazy, and it is indeed a little crazy, but my brain feels a little more comfort knowing that I’ve sent that out. Haha!

After the doctor’s appointment on Friday, we had our last shower for Dexter. My office held a shower for me, and it was so nice! Everyone really tried to get the last of what we needed from our registries, and of course, there were lots of cute outfits too. We even got a pair of baby sunglasses! Who knew they even made those!

Well, the pregnancy is progressing. I’m dilated and Dexter has dropped further into the birth canal, so these are all really great signs that my body is starting this process all on its own. I’m also having lots of little practice contractions. So, the day is quickly approaching! I can’t wait until I can post the first pictures of Dexter! I will keep you all posted as best I can throughout the remaining days of labor and delivery.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Updates and Odds and Ends

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve wrote! The closer we get to having Dexter, the less extra time I seem to have.

I posted the week 28 belly picture on the correct posting (thank you, Kira, for letting me know how to get that image off my phone!), and for this posting, I’m showing week 32. This is a picture of my sister, Lacey, and me at one of my baby showers. In actuality, I’m at 35 weeks now, but because I’m so behind on postings, I’ve uploaded my 8 month photo. So, hopefully, next week, I’ll post the 9 month (36 weeks) photo. Did I just throw enough numbers at you? Ha! So, in review, today, I am posting week 28 and week 32 (months 7 and 8 respectively) even though I’m actually 35 weeks pregnant now. Next week I’ll post a 9 month picture. Okay, okay. This stuff is confusing. =)

They say by this point that the baby stops moving as much because he’s running out of room. Apparently, I’m roomy as a Cadillac because Dexter has not slowed at all. He has, though, moved from a transverse position (lying horizontally in my belly) to a breech position, with his butt down and head near my ribs. The doctor has not confirmed this, but from my perspective this is what has occurred. No worries, though. There is still plenty of time for him to get situated in the normal, head first birthing position.

I’ve started keeping track of my Braxton Hicks contractions. These false labor contractions seem to only occur at night, and I groggily write down the time, duration, and location throughout the night. Dr. Mah thinks we might start to notice a pattern in the contractions as my body gears up for the real deal. I go back to see her on Friday, the 26th, so we’ll see if any patterns have revealed themselves in the notes I’ve taken.

The countdown is on! Five weeks remain! I am ready to see this little guy and not be pregnant anymore! But I know he still has a few weeks left to bake, so I’m okay with that. My sausage-like ankles, itchy skin, achy back, and overall exhausted body, however, are not so patient. =) I comfort my body with a heating pad, raspberry sherbet, and preparations for Dexter.

Sam has been busy with school, putting together baby stuff, putting down flooring, taking care of house duties, my hormonal demands, and basically everything else you could possibly throw at him. Although we both get exasperated at times…okay, a lot of times…he’s doing an amazing job at holding it all together. He’s going to be a great dad! I’m working hurriedly on a rather large grant, “supervising” the projects around the house, and trying to help how I can.
We’ve had two showers so far, with one more to go. The response from family and friends is just astounding! I’ve never seen such generosity. I wish I could do more than just write thank-you’s—it is so nice to know that our little boy will be so well taken care of when he enters this world. And to those of you who have hosted the showers: you’ve done amazing jobs, and I couldn’t ask for better family and friends! Thank you all so much!

In the midst of all this joy, we’ve had several bits of bad news on Sam’s side of the family. I ask that you keep them in your prayers, thoughts, and positive vibes.
Later on, I plan on posting more belly pictures, pictures from the showers, pictures of Dexter’s nursery, and one more set of ultrasound pictures. Until then, enjoy this first day of spring (though it doesn’t feel like it with snow in the northern parts of the state and frigid rain closer to us), and I’ll keep you updated on Dexter’s goings-on!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

We're growing!...not just the baby...Laura too! =)

Here is my belly at 28 weeks! It is getting big and cumbersome, and the worse is yet to come. =) In the meantime, it’s at the very least entertaining!

What a week it has been! After a pretty horrendous experience with my thesis committee, I have not slept well this week, and the pain in my hips and lower back don’t help matters. I am soooo ready to sleep for about eight years. =)

Sam and I went to our first prenatal class Thursday night. We learned so much and got a lot of really useful information about babies’ sleeping, eating, diaper changes, health, and all sorts of things. I was so glad to have taken it! Sam and I both got to ask questions and practice swaddling a baby doll in a blanket—what Sam referred to as “making a baby burrito”! Of course, we made lots of jokes and laughed and had a great time of it. If anything, Dexter will have a great sense of humor.

Friday morning I had another obstetrician appointment. Dr. Mah told me my diabetes test came back normal, so I don’t have gestational diabetes. She and I listened to Dexter’s heartbeat, which was in the 150s and sounded very strong. We also discussed creating a birthing plan and how to alleviate the pain in my hips. There’s this thing called a Prenatal Cradle, which is like a support belt to help bear the weight of my stomach; as unattractive as that sounds, I got one, and hopefully, my aches and pains will subside some and I can rest like I so desperately want to!

Oh, and while at the doctor, I learned to never complain about low weight gain so early in pregnancy! Man, oh, man, let’s just say my appetite is very healthy, and there is no chance of Dexter not getting the food he needs! So, in this blog, you will never hear me complain about not gaining weight ever again! =)

More and more I am having dreams about Dexter. I want so badly to see him! Dreams I’ve had include one where he has striking blue eyes and a head full of dark hair and likes to kiss me on the face, and one where he can talk and get around shortly after coming home, and he put shampoo on his feet because he thought it was hand sanitizer. Hahahaha! My brain is doing some weird stuff these days!

Meanwhile, Sam and I are gearing up for baby showers, one in February and one in March. It is unbelievable how much stuff these new babies require! So far we are squared away on some of the bigger items we need (stroller, car seat, crib), but my favorite thing is the rocking chair from my dad’s house. It’s the same one he and my mom rocked me in as a baby. Dad and Rickie are having it re-caned to fix the hole in the seat. It will be a nice thing to carry on in the lineage…who knows, maybe one day Dexter will use it for his child.

Saturday we went to Sam’s cousin’s wedding. Kelli was pregnant at our wedding, and now I went to her wedding pregnant, so I feel like we came full circle. The service was very beautiful and sweet. Congratulations, Steve and Kelli!

Yesterday, we also saw my dad, my step-mom, and my grandmother, and Dexter gave them all a pretty good wallop! It was nice that they all got to feel him kick! And it was great to see everyone.

Well, I never could get my 24 week belly picture off my phone, so I had to skip it. Now, I’m posting the 28 week photo, and as of yesterday, we’re actually at 29 weeks. I’m just not staying on this blog like I should! I’m a writer, though, and it’s in my nature to procrastinate. =) (Once Dexter comes along, I’m sure my writings will get even more sporadic.) So, if I don’t write again before then, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Post-holiday Catch-up, and We've Picked a Name!

I have been so subtly notified by several friends that I have not been keeping up with the blog the way I should—thanks, guys! =) So, after all this nudging, I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. Here’s what’s been going on since I last wrote…

Our little boy had his first Christmas and New Year’s. I’m not so sure he cared too much about seeing family or all the gifts, but I think he really enjoyed the food! We were fortunate to see much of our family, but some visits had to be cut from the schedule—December presented an unusual amount of rain and flooded roadways throughout the state. It was simply too dangerous and time-consuming to make some of the trips we’d planned. So, if we missed you this year, I’m certainly sorry. Hopefully, we can see you soon! New Year’s was very low-key. We spent the evening with our friends in North Little Rock. I had to take a two-hour nap earlier in the day to ensure I was able to stay up until midnight. Growing a baby takes a lot of energy!

In all the holiday hubbub, Sam and I were able to spend some time together, just the two of us, which was very nice; our holidays are usually very busy, so it was nice to spend some quality time together before the baby arrives.

Just before New Year’s, Sam and I decided on a name for Baby Rakes!

Dexter Bennett Rakes! I love it!

Dexter is a name that both Sam and I like, mainly because of a cartoon, Dexter’s Laboratory. And Bennett is my dad’s middle name. It has a nice ring to it, I think.

So, we celebrated Dexter’s cousin’s first birthday at the beginning of January, which was a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see what next year’s birthday will be like with two little guys running around!

We had another appointment last week with Dr. Mah. Dexter is doing just great, and growing like a weed. I talked to Dr. Mah about concerns about labor and delivery; she was totally reassuring about it and walked me through the whole process. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for delivery, but at least now I feel a little calmer about the whole process.

Sam started school this week! I am so happy for him, and he seems to really be enjoying it so far, even his algebra class! Dexter gets very excited when he hears Sam’s voice after Sam has come home after class. Dexter twists and turns and kicks! So, so sweet! He already loves his dad! He reacts similarly when I drink grape soda. =)

I will post pictures of my belly soon. Does anyone know how to get pictures from your iPhone to your computer? Let’s hope Dexter has better luck with electronics than I do!

UPDATE: Thank you, Kira, for telling me how to get my picture off my phone!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I tried to post these images last night, but I couldn't log on to the blog site. Glad it's up and running now.

Here's our beautiful little boy and his little foot! It blows my mind to look at those pictures. I just can hardly believe that that cute thing is growing in me! I can't wait to see him for real for the first time!

Yesterday, I had to get some routine blood work done with Dr. Mah. She also listened to Baby Rakes's heartbeat...I guess I should say she tried to listen to his heartbeat. She said, "Do you hear all that noise?" It sounded like water swishing in a tub, but it was actually him moving around. I think Dr. Mah was more than a little amazed by all his movement. I, on the other hand, am not at all surprised by all the movement we heard--you should trying feeling all that movement from the inside! =) I've begun to feel individual appendages moving, either kicking left-right, left-right, or punching and giving my bladder the ol' one-two. =)

I also got my H1N1 vaccine yesterday. I've been trying for several months now, practically since I found out I was pregnant. Finally, yesterday the hospital I work for had some at Employee Health Services. I am relieved to finally have gotten the shot. While I was at the clinic, the nurse who gave me the shot asked me how far along I am. It doesn't sound like a big thing, I know, but she's the first stranger to realize I was pregnant without actually knowing that I am. It was nice!

Today, Sam and I are going to register for baby stuff! Yeh! I am so excited! So, I'm off to enjoy this soggy, cold day with lots of Christmas consumers! I hope you all are having a great Saturday!